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新浪首页 >生活空间 >出国通途 >新东方学校出国咨询处 > 新闻报道 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2000年3月24日 11:04 新东方学校出国咨询处 编者按: 在加拿大联邦法院有关移民案件的上诉案件中,有一个著名的判例,即本文所摘编的Muliadi案件。该案件根 据英国行政法中"公平行事"的原则,明确指出,行政官员(包括移民官),在他们做出任何行政决定(包括拒绝一个移民申 请人的申请的时候),必须将他所依据的任何对申请人不利的资料,明确地展示给申请人。给申请人一个公平的机会,让他反 驳或纠正该不利资料的内容的正确性。如果移民官根据一项对申请人不利的资料,做出了对申请人不利的决定,而申请人又从 来没有机会对该资料作过答辩,那么,该移民官的行为就不是"公平行事"。而该移民官的决定是可以被法院推翻的。 从本期开始,我们将刊登加拿大联邦法院自Muliadi案件以来所判的一系列有关案件。从这些案件中,读者可 以看到,首先,Muliadi案件是如何重新确认了"公平行事"原则。然后,在其后的一系列的案例当中,Muliad i案所确认的"公平行事"原则是如何被执行的。 Muliadi 诉 就业暨移民部长 时间:1986年3月10日 法官:Stone 本案中,申请人Muliadi根据"企业家"的类别申请移民加拿大。在他提出移民申请的同时,他在安大略省汉 弥尔顿市设立了一个特许经营权的生意。该生意已经聘请了五个以上的加拿大人做为雇员。他们还打算在最近的将来还再雇请 更多的雇员。该生意的主要业务是相片快印和胶卷设备的零售业。全部的投资额是30万加币。每年预期的营业额是50万加 币。申请人已经投入10万加币,并且借给公司两万多加币做为营运资金。该生意还有另外一位合伙人,他投了全部投资额的 余额。 1982年3月12日,加拿大驻新加坡领事馆给申请人发了一封信。该信直接拒绝了申请人的移民申请。理由是, 申请人没有满足移民法上的有关"企业家"移民的资格上的要求。信上说: "我们在做这个决定的时候,已经考虑了你的生意计划,你用于实现这一计划的资金,你和该计划相关的经验,你对 于该生意的管理和参与程序以及你的生意是否会为相当数额的加拿大人创造就业机会。" 该信有一个附注。移民官告诉申请人,如果申请人还希望移民官对他的移民申请做进一步的考虑,他应该提供一些补 充文件。事实上,申请人将这些文件在1982年6月10日补充给了加拿大驻新加坡领事馆。移民官在1982年11月2 日给申请人的一封信中指出: "我们已经将你的商业计划转送给"安大略省小生意管理部",请他们对该商业计划的可信性提出他们的意见。我们 已经得到通知,他们正在审查该计划。我们应该很快就可以得到他们的结论。 当我们接到安大略省政府的审查报告以后,如果他们认为你的商业计划可行的,我们会给你一次个人的面谈机会。" "Following receipt of Mr. Muliadi's business propos al, we referred it to the Ontario Small Business Operat ions Division for their views as to the viability of hi s proposal. We have now been advised that the proposal is currently being reviewed and we should receive their views in the near future. On receipt of Ontario's assessment, Mr. Muliadi wil l be given an opportunity for a personal interview eith er in Jakarta or Singapore, should his business proposa l be recommended." 显然,移民官收到了从安大略省政府发来的一份"有关Muliadi 先生的商业计划的��编者"电传。随即, 移民官路奇先生请申请人来面谈。申请人在1984年2月25日所做的宣誓书中说: "当我于1982年12月12日参加在雅加达的面谈的时候,路奇先生很直率地告诉我,我的申请已经被拒绝了。 他给我看拒绝的理由。那是一封从安大略省政府发电的电传。该电传拒绝了我的申请。我问他,既然他本人对于我的申请并不 会做任何决定,为什么他还要叫我来参加面谈。移民官告诉我,他本人是非常同情我的申请案。但是,很遗憾,拒签的决定是 由发出该电传的省政府官员所作的。他本人对此是无能为力的。" "(m) When I attended the interview in Jakarta on th e 12th of December 1982. I was told straight away by Mr . Lukie that my application was being refused and he sh owed me as constituting the reason therefore, a telex s ent to him from what I understood to be the Province of Ontario, refusing my application. I asked him, why did not to be made, and he said he was very sympathetic to my case, but he was sorry for as the decision was made by the authority who sent the telex, there was nothing he could do about it." 移民官的决定是根据移民法上有关"企业家"移民的规定而做出的。"移民法规"第2(1)款的规定如下: "'企业家'移民是指该移民有意愿并且有能力, 在加拿大设立或购买相当一部分产权的一个生意。由此, 该生意会为五个以上的加拿大人或加拿大永久居民创造就业机会。…… 积极参与该企业的日常管理。" "'entrepreneur'means an immigrant who intends and h as the ability (a) to establish or to purchase a substantial inter est in the ownership of a business in Canada whereby. (i)employment opportunities will be created in Cana da for more than five Canadian citizens or permanent re sidents, or(b) to participate in the daily management o f that business."…… 关于安大略省政府的审查报告,……我认为,移民官在对申请人的申请案作出决定以前,有义务告诉申请人有关安大 略省政府的否定性的审查结论的内容,并且给申请人一个公平的机会,以纠正或反驳该审查结论。我认为,这样的义务是和1 911年英国上议院在教育局诉瑞斯一案中,Loreburn勋爵在第182页上所说的判决是相同的: I think it was the officer's duty before disposing of the application to inform the appellant of the negat ive assessment and to give him a fair opportunity of co rrecting or contradicting it before making the decision required by the statute. It is, I think, the same sort of opportunity that was spoken of by the House of Lords in Bd. Of Education v. Rice, [1911] A.C. 179 (H.L.) in these oft-quoted words of Lord Loreburn L.C. AT P. 182: "They can obtain information in any way they think best, always giving a fair opportunity to those who are parties in the controversy for correcting or contradict ing any relevant statement prejudicial to their view." "他们《政府官员-编者》可以用他们认为适当的任何办法去获得有关的信息。但是,他们一定要给受这些信息影响 的当事人一个公平的机会,以纠正或反驳任何对当事人不利的说法。" 在本案中,我认为申请人应该有一个机会,对于安大略省政府的否定性的审查结论,提出他的反驳的看法。因为,该 审查报告是移民官拒绝申请人的申请的依据。"公平行事"的义务在本案中是适用的。在这个问题上,我采纳Parker勋 爵在1967年的H.K. 案(英国判例)中所写的判词: "移民官无论如何都必须给移民申请人一个机会,以便确定申请人是否符合法律上规定的要求。为此,移民官应该让 申请人知道,他的直觉的印象是什么,让移民申请人可以对此作出反驳。这是一个公平行事的问题。在行政人员做出一个行政 决定的时候,法律要求他不仅不能偏心,不能不考虑所有应该考虑的问题,而且要公平行事。" In the circumstances, though he was not entitled to a full hearing, I think he should have had an opportuni ty of meting the negative assessment by the provincial authorities before it was acted upon by the visa office r, for upon that assessment his application turned. The duty to act fairly extends to this kind of case. In thi s I would adopt the views expressed by Lord Parker C.J. in Re H, K. (An Infant), [1967] 1 All E. R. 226 (D.C.): "This, as it seems to me, is a very different case, and I doubt whether it can be said that the immigration authorities are acting in a judicial or quasi-judicial capacity as those terms are generally understood. But a t the same time, I myself think that even if a immigrat ion officer is not in a judicial or quasi-judicial capa city, he must at any rate give the immigrant an opportu nity of satisfying him of the matters in the subsection , and for that purpose let the immigrant know what him immediate impression is so that the immigrant can disab use him. That is not, as I see it, a question of acting or being required to act judicially, but of being requi red to act fairly. Good administration and a honest or bona fide decision must, as it seems to me, require not merely impartiality, nor merely bringing one's mind to bear on the problem, but acting fairly; and to the limi ted extent that the circumstances of any particular cas e allow, and within the legislative frame-work under wh ich the administrator is working, only to that limited extent do the so-called rules of natural justice apply, which in a case such as this is merely a duty to act fa irly."(emphasis added) 上述原则,在1970年的英国上诉法院的女王诉大不列颠彩票委员会一案中获得了该法院的全体法官的一致同意。 我认为该原则也适用于本案。结果:上诉人的上诉被获准。点击http://www.starcanada.com获更 多信息。 �
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